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... Curvy women 'have clever babies' Curvy women 'have clever babies'

12 November 2007

Curvy women are likely to be more intelligent than their slimmer counterparts, new research has indicated.

They also have an increased chance of giving birth to intelligent children, the researchers from the Universities of Pittsburgh and California concluded.

This was found to be linked to fatty acid deposits in curvier women's hips.

Steven Gaulin, part of the research team, said: "Shapely hips and thighs hold essential nutrients that nurse brains and could produce smart kids."

But other experts have disputed the findings.

Martin Tovee, from Newcastle University, told the BBC: "On the fatty deposits being related to intelligence front, it's very hard to disentangle that from other factors, such as social class, for instance, or diet.

"And much as we logically like the idea that men are interested in the waist to hip ratio, it actually features relatively low down the list of features males look for in a potential partner."ADNFCR-1043-ID-18352052-ADNFCR