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Forgotten your password?
Luckily you have two options:
1. Enter Username and my login details again.
2. Enter email address and my Username
Take me back to my login page
If you are in a real pickle and the above does not help, please Contact Us using the email account you gave us at registration.
Problem with AutoLogin?
If autologin is playing up on your computer then you have 2 options.
1. Visit the ever-reliable Master Login Page . This works for all sites on the loveandfriends network (i.e.,, etc) Logging in once there should clear your problems :-)
2. on this computer then return to my login page
Autologin can sometimes 'get confused' if multiple profiles/people activate it on one computer. Theoretically this should never happen as:
  • You should only have one profile
  • You should only enable Autologin if your computer is private/secure