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... Rules are there to be broken Rules are there to be broken

27 October 2007

To make a relationship work, there are some rules that couples should follow, whether its hiding your feelings to prevent an argument, playing it cool or doing everything you can to please your partner.

But according to Cosmopolitan, couples could actually benefit from breaking some of these well-known relationship rules

Women often think that they should be doing all they can to satisfy their partner in the bedroom, but this new brand of thinking suggests that men can get equal satisfaction from catering to the need of their girlfriend.

Another relationship myth which ahs been busted is that couples must have many common interest. In reality, it can be great to have different hobbies to give you time apart and means you don't have top force your interests on one another.

The magazine advises that rather than never going to sleep without resolving an argument, that there is much to gain from sleeping on it. This allows you to address a problem more calmly and say what you really think, without bringing other issues into the discussion.

Women should also not chastise themselves for finding other men attractive, as has been the tradition for generations. In fact, a relationship can benefit from an outside crush, as it can make you feel young and flirty - factors which can be brought into your relationship and relight the spark.ADNFCR-1016-ID-18331390-ADNFCR