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Search Results For "Arguments"
Loved up seniors share secrets of staying power
A global study of couples who have been together for fifty or more years unlocks the secrets of long-term marital bliss.
search on: Loved-seniors-share-secrets-staying-power
The art of arguing
According to a study from the University of Michigan published last week, arguing with your partner can lead to a longer life.
search on: art-arguing
Arguments 'normal' in coupledom
Having an argument with your spouse or partner does not mean you love them any less, a relationship expert says.
search on: Arguments-normal-coupledom
Most unromantic day of the year revealed
If you tried your luck in the dating game last Wednesday but failed miserably then never fear as new research reveals that August 27th is the least romantic day of the year.
search on: unromantic-day-year-revealed
Couples' road rage revealed
Loved-up couples are often not so loved-up after they have finished a long distance car journey, according to a new report.
search on: Couples'-road-rage-revealed
Men aged 53 are 'the most romantic'
Men become most romantic when they are aged 53, according to a new survey.
search on: Men-aged-53-are-'the-romantic'
Weddings no "magical" formula
So you have found the man or woman of your dreams, had a whirlwind romance and tied the knot in a perfect ceremony.
search on: Weddings-"magical"-formula
Scientists carry out study on arguing couples
Tired of rowing with your partner? Well new research reveals arguments could be a thing of the past.
search on: Scientists-carry-study-arguing-couples
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