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Search Results For "George"
Beckham tops US 'sexiest male' poll
David Beckham has been voted top totty in the US, beating off competition from some of the world's hottest men.
search on: Beckham-tops-US-sexiest-male-poll
Fake chest sizes 'scare men off'
The majority of men are turned off by an enormous chest size in a woman, according to a new survey.
search on: Fake-chest-sizes-care-men-off'
Jackman named sexiest man alive
Antipodean hunk Hugh Jackman is officially the sexiest man on the planet, according to a new list of the world's hottest fellas.
search on: Jackman-named-sexiest-man-alive
Dating George Clooney 'stressful'
Going out with one of the most successful and attractive actors in the world is possibly every woman's dream.
search on: Dating-George-Clooney-tressful'
Women attracted to men with deep voices
Women are attracted to deep voices because it signifies a strong and fertile man, according to new research.
search on: Women-attracted-men-with-deep-voices
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