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Search Results For "Sarah"
Bannerman'sex set to tie the knot
Love rat Marc Bannerman would love to get his ex-girlfriend Sarah Matravers back – too bad she's getting married.
search on: Bannermanex-set-tie-knot
Sex & The City girls living in the UK
Britain is full of its very own Sex and the City females, according to a new poll.
search on: Sex-&-City-girls-living-UK
Fake chest sizes 'scare men off'
The majority of men are turned off by an enormous chest size in a woman, according to a new survey.
search on: Fake-chest-sizes-care-men-off'
Dating George Clooney 'stressful'
Going out with one of the most successful and attractive actors in the world is possibly every woman's dream.
search on: Dating-George-Clooney-tressful'
Chris Martin's 'moral dilemma' over Sarah Palin
Coldplay frontman Chris Martin is happily married to US actress Gwyneth Paltrow, but that doesn't stop him developing schoolboy crushes on other ladies.
search on: Chris-Martins-moral-dilemma-Sarah-Palin
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