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Search Results For "join"
Divorcees 'should find love again'
People who have got divorced should take the plunge and get married again to someone who is a better fit, according to one author.
search on: Divorcees-should-find-love-again
Online dating popularity rises
An increasing number of Britons are turning to online dating in their quest to find love, according to a new survey.
search on: Online-dating-popularity-rises
Divorces linked to social media
Facebook is increasingly seen as a major factor in marriage breakdowns with lawyers now using the site as evidence in divorce proceedings. An online study from a UK website f...
search on: Divorces-linked-social-media
Couples join forces in the workplace
An increasing number of British couples are also forming business partnerships, according to a new study.
search on: Couples-join-forces-workplace
Couple wed atop Sydney Harbour Bridge
A daring couple have become the first to tie the knot at the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
search on: Couple-wed-atop-Sydney-Harbour-Bridge
Credit crunch 'spurs on online dating'
The credit crunch has led to a surprising surge in the number of people dating online, according to an expert.
search on: Credit-crunch-purs-online-dating'
First UK dating site for fat people signs up 1,000 people in its first 12 hours
The first online dating agency - - for those blessed with natural curves has just gone live. This website discriminates against size - you have to be larger than life to join.
search on: First-UK-dating-site-fat-people-signs-up-
Couples 'not spending enough' time together
As the hustle and bustle of modern life takes its toll, Britons are spending less and less time with their spouses and partners, according to new research.
search on: Couples-not-spending-enough-together
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