British women 'love stubbly men' |
British women prefer men with stubble because they are deemed to be more macho, according to a new survey. |
Make-up for men |
Britain could see a huge boost in the number of men wearing make-up as a leading retail begins to stock it's 'guy-liner' and 'manscara'. |
Women find scarred faces sexiest for flings |
Men with scars are the most attractive for women looking for a sexy fling, according to new research. |
Women with more testosterone fancy macho men |
Women with high testosterone levels are more attracted to macho men, according to new research. |
Macho men endure pain to save face |
British men are so scared of looking like wimps in front of their loved ones that they refuse to go to the doctor, a new survey reveals. |
Eye contact key to a good first date |
Keep your eyes peeled on your partner in a first date in order to ensure there is a second one, according to an expert. |
Women dating men may want to check their hands, re |
Women hoping to make a success of the dating game might be wise to look at a man's hands before deciding on whether to pursue a romantic relationship with him. |