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Search Results For "too"
Brits getting more spontaneous
Britons are at their most spontaneous, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-getting-spontaneous
Death defying climber misses girlfriend's birthday
When it comes to excuses for missing your birthday, this has got to rank pretty highly.
search on: Death-defying-climber-misses-girlfriends-birthday
Don't leg-go of my heart
A blushing bride who broke her leg hours before her wedding ceremony refused to take doctors' orders and went through with her big day.
search on: Dont-leg-go-heart
The sexual revolution, 50 years on
A debate on Radio 4 recently took place to assess how sexual liberation has progressed in the last 50 years.
search on: sexual-revolution--50-years
Can't take my eyes off you
Whether sizing up a rival or searching for a mate, our attention gets stuck on attractive people, a new study has revealed.
search on: Cant-take-eyes-off
UK Government cracks down on migrant hoax marriages
The UK Government is proposing to crack down on immigrants using fake marriages as a “back door” into Britain.
search on: UK-Government-cracks-down-migrant-hoax-marriages
Man who sold everything on eBay buys a Carribean island and finds new love
search on: Man-who-sold-everything-eBay-buys-a-Carribean-
Cohabiting before Marriage can increase chance of Divorce

Cohabiting has become the norm - 80 per cent of us cohabit before marrying. Since 2001, the number of cohabiting couples in the UK has risen dramatically from 2.1 million to 2.9 milli

search on: Cohabiting-before-Marriage-can-increase-chance-Divorce
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