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Search Results For "Kate"
Men forking out for romantic breaks
Men are getting the raw end of the deal when going on their first romantic breaks with their other halves, according to a new survey.
search on: Men-forking-romantic-breaks
Tom Cruise knew Katie was the one after first date
It's not often that declarations of love at first sight turn out to be founded in true feelings, but it seems that for one celebrity couple that really is what happened.
search on: Tom-Cruise-knew-Katie-was-one-first-date
Couples reveal romantic break fears
Men, more often than not, are having to foot the bill for romantic getaways, according to new research.
search on: Couples-reveal-romantic-break-fears
Is Johnny Depp ready to pop the question?
Johnny Depp could finally be ready to tie the knot with long-term girlfriend Venessa Paradis.
search on: Johnny-Depp-ready-pop-question?
Goldie Hawn's daughter 'loves boys'
Kate Hudson has admitted that her mother, actress Goldie Hawn, was a bit concerned about her daughter's pre-occupation with the opposite sex, which started at a fairly young age.
search on: Goldie-Hawns-daughter-loves-boys
Titanic stars keeps love alive with husband dates
Kate Winslet has shared the secret of her successful marriage with director husband Sam Mendes.
search on: Titanic-stars-keeps-love-alive-with-husband-dates
Kate Hudson?s monogamy dilemma
US actress Kate Hudson has conflicting feelings regarding relationships and monogamy.
search on: Kate-Hudson?s-monogamy-dilemma
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