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Search Results For "Message"
Humour sets romantic mood, say women
Single girls really do just want to have fun in relationships, according to a new survey.
search on: Humour-sets-romantic-mood--say-women
Internet relationships 'becoming more popular'
In the age of modern technology, being suspicious of your spouse has taken on a whole new level.
search on: Internet-relationships-'becoming-more-popular'
A loving touch can ease the pain
A loving hug from the man or woman in your life can really take the pain away, according to new research.
search on: A-loving-touch-can-ease-pain
Modern technology and the dating game
Modern technology is helping modern consumers out in the dating game, according to new research.
search on: Modern-technology-dating-game
Does this TV star have a way with the ladies?
The numerous surveys that have taken place over the years about what women find attractive in a man always seem to indicate that the key thing is a good sense of humour.
search on: Does-this-TV-star-have-a-way-with-
Four Costly Mistakes of Divorcing Women
Recent surveys of divorce lawyers have highlighted four new areas that can cost women when getting divorced:
search on: Four-Costly-Mistakes-Divorcing-Women
David Mitchell and Victoria Coren engaged to be married.

The couple, who first came into view together in 2010 on BBC quiz show The Bubble, made public their engagement with a notice in The Times. Coren, quiz show host for Only Connect on BBC4, has thank...

search on: David-Mitchell-Victoria-Coren-engaged-be-married.
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