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Search Results For "Teri"
Coping with the greater stresses of Venus and Mars
His first relationship book achieved a mythical status usually reserved for religious texts and the Harry Potter series and now John Gray has produced a sequel.
search on: Coping-greater-stresses-Venus-Mars
Money doesn't buy love for Brits
About 2.2 million of Brits said they ended their last relationship because of money issues according to research by internet bank cahoot.
search on: Money-doesnt-buy-love-Brits
Love in the classroom
Around 60 per cent of Britons have found love in the classroom, according to a new survey.
search on: Love-classroom
Online dating popularity rises
An increasing number of Britons are turning to online dating in their quest to find love, according to a new survey.
search on: Online-dating-popularity-rises
London men lavish women with gifts and treats
London is one of the most romantic cities in the world. Stroll along the Thames, dine out at one of the fantastic eateries or watch one of the West End shows and you're sure to have a good time w...
search on: London-men-lavish-women-with-gifts-treats
Short men 'more likely to be jealous'
Men who are vertically challenged are more likely to be jealous than those who are more blessed in the height stakes, according to a new scientific report.
search on: Short-men-'more-likely-be-jealous'
Hapless Romeo watches dream proposal blow away
A would-be Romeo who had planned a novel way of proposing to his girlfriend ended up seeing his best-laid plans carried away with the wind.
search on: Hapless-Romeo-watches-dream-proposal-blow-away
Loved-up royal couple 'closer than ever'
Cute royal couple Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy call each other 'hubby' and 'wifey', according to media reports.
search on: Loved-up-royal-couple-closer-ever
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