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Search Results For "attention"
Eastenders actress 'loving the single life'
Eastenders stunner Kara Tointon is loving the single life, but is secretly preparing to make a great wife, according to reports.
search on: Eastenders-actress-loving-single-life
Footballer 'falls for Lily Allen's curves'
A premiership footballer has revealed he would love to date Lily Allen because he wants a fuller figured woman, according to media reports.
search on: Footballer-falls-Lily-Allens-curves
Beckhams go on double date
Celebrity super couple David and Victoria Beckham went on a double date on Good Friday with another top celebrity couple.
search on: Beckhams-go-double-date
Heartthrob's wife not jealous of female attention
Being married to a Hollywood sex symbol might make some women feel somewhat insecure, but not Patrick Dempsey's wife – she thinks it's hilarious.
search on: Heartthrob-wife-not-jealous-female-attention
Teri's 'like a teenager in love'
Desperate Housewives actress is allegedly dating former Sex and the City star Jason Lewis, according to reports by Marie Claire.
search on: Teris-like-teenager-love
Teri dating TV hunk?
Teri Hatcher could be dating Sex and the City star Jason Lewis, after reports circulated that the couple were spotted together acting like "teenagers in love".
search on: Teri-dating-TV-hunk?
Diaz looking for 'long-term partner'
Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz has revealed she is on the look-out for a Mr Right who will also be the right father to her future children.
search on: Diaz-looking-'long-term-partner'
James Corden's humour makes him a hit with the lad
When it comes to finding a good man, all a lot of girls want is someone who can make them laugh through the hard times.
search on: James-Cordens-humour-hit-lad
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