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Search Results For "food"
Women sacrificing food to look good
The average British woman will spend the equivalent of 840 days of her life in front of the mirror, according to a new survey.
search on: Women-sacrificing-food-look
Country girls 'most likely to get amorous on first
Country girls are the most likely to have sex on a first date, according to a new poll.
search on: Country-girls-most-likely-get-amorous
Romance up as credit crunch bites
The financial climate may be gloomy, but British bedrooms are sizzling as the credit crunch bites, according to new research.
search on: Romance-up-as-credit-crunch-bites
Internet dating couple opt for TACO wedding
A couple who met on an internet dating site have tied the knot at American fast food restaurant, Taco Bell.
search on: Internet-dating-couple-opt-TACO-wedding
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