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Search Results For "happi"
The secret of happiness
It's often seen as something elusive and indefinable, which starts to disappear if you try to pin down its source or nature.
search on: secret-happiness
Marriage 'not always the answer'
Following the publication of a national survey which found that most people do not differentiate between marriage and cohabitation, one relationship expert has been analysing the findings.
search on: Marriage-'not-always-answer'
Dates 'costing' UK men
Men are finding the dating game increasingly hard on their pockets, according to new research.
search on: Dates-'costing'-UK-men
Divorcees 'should find love again'
People who have got divorced should take the plunge and get married again to someone who is a better fit, according to one author.
search on: Divorcees-should-find-love-again
Dating after divorce
It's never easy to get back into the dating scene after a messy break-up or divorce, especially if it's been a while since you went for dinners and fussed over what to wear.
search on: Dating-after-divorce
The price of love
With Valentine's Day on the table, couples are reuniting and singles are perhaps looking, yet the day proves significant for happily married couples as well, with the day proving a big night for ...
search on: The-price-love
Ugly men 'better for beautiful women'
We've all done double takes when we have spotted a drop-dead-gorgeous guy with an aesthetically-challenged woman on his arm. But no-one takes any notice when it's a gorgeous woman with an ug...
search on: Ugly-men-'better-beautiful-women'
Brits healthier and wealthier, but not happier
Britons today may live longer, have more money and possess more things, but they are no happier than they were 20 years ago, according to new research.
search on: Brits-healthier-wealthier--but-happier
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