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Search Results For "makes"
Marriage 'not always the answer'
Following the publication of a national survey which found that most people do not differentiate between marriage and cohabitation, one relationship expert has been analysing the findings.
search on: Marriage-'not-always-answer'
Cherlize 'believes in love and lust'
Hollywood stunner Charlize Theron has revealed that when it comes to finding your perfect man, lust is just as important as love.
search on: Cherlize-'believes-love-lust'
British women 'love stubbly men'
British women prefer men with stubble because they are deemed to be more macho, according to a new survey.
search on: British-women-'love-stubbly-men'
Robbie in dumpsville
The hectic nature of modern working life makes it extremely difficult to keep a relationships healthy. It can feel like you're doing a constant plate balancing act, but sometimes you have to let ...
search on: Robbie-dumpsville
Sienna discovers 'the joy of text'
British actress Sienna Miller is so loved-up that she is finding it hard being away from her boyfriend Rhys Ifans.
search on: Sienna-discovers-'the-joy-text'
Educated women 'more likely to tie the knot'
Women with university degrees are more likely to get married than those who are less educated, according to new research.
search on: Educated-women-more-likely-tie-knot
Snoring partners keep women awake
Half of women in the UK do not get nearly enough shut-eye because they cannot get to sleep for their partner's snoring.
search on: Snoring-partners-women-awake
James Corden's humour makes him a hit with the lad
When it comes to finding a good man, all a lot of girls want is someone who can make them laugh through the hard times.
search on: James-Cordens-humour-hit-lad
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