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Search Results For "mind"
Online dating a hit with Muslims
Online dating is taking off among British Asians as a way to meet like-minded people without many of the pressures associated with face-to-face dating.
search on: Online-dating-hit-Muslims
Mobiles killing the romance
Our obsession with technology is compromising our relationships, a new survey has revealed.
search on: Mobiles-killing-romance
Men making the moves
It seems that chivalry is not dead, at least in the world of online dating, a new survey has shown.
search on: Men-making-moves
Kylie and Jason to reunite
The hottest couple of the 90s are getting back together to take a look at their history as a couple during their years on Neighbours.
search on: Kylie-Jason-reunite
Chanelle and Ziggy call it quits
Big Brother's most up-and-down couple (and that's saying something) have broken off their romance, just a month after becoming engaged.
search on: Chanelle-Ziggy-call-quits
Making cohabiting work
Couples often decide to move in together assuming it will be a fairytale romance, but living on top of each other can bring about some stark realities, so there are important considerations to bear in...
search on: Making-cohabiting-work
Football on the brain
Men are often distracted during intimate time with their partners because they have other things on their minds.
search on: Football-brain
Give yourself a Dating Detox
As Christmas arrives, for the 13 million single people in the UK, it can be a difficult time as it seems all the couples come out to play.
search on: Give-yourself-Dating-Detox
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