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Search Results For "site"
Video game proposal
A woman got the surprise of her life while playing a computer game with boyfriend David Rosowski.
search on: Video-game-proposal
Making a success of online dating
Internet dating is a great way to meet people who share the same interests, but it can feel daunting initially. BestSyndication give some tips on how to make the best impression online.
search on: Making-success-online-dating
Online dating 'great for finding Mr or Miss Right'
When it comes to finding The One, online dating sites are one of the best methods, according to a magazine.
search on: Online-dating-great-finding-Mr-Miss-Right
Online dating a hit with Muslims
Online dating is taking off among British Asians as a way to meet like-minded people without many of the pressures associated with face-to-face dating.
search on: Online-dating-hit-Muslims
Men making the moves
It seems that chivalry is not dead, at least in the world of online dating, a new survey has shown.
search on: Men-making-moves
Keeping it platonic
When men and women enter into friendships with people of the opposite sex, they are often looking for different things.
search on: Keeping-platonic
Germans 'selfish in bed'
Germans have been voted the world's worst lovers in a new poll.
search on: Germans-selfish-bed
Romance is 'a must'
Romance in a relationship isn't just nice, it's a must, according to Magic of
search on: Romance-'a-must'
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