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Search Results For "thing"
Brits getting more spontaneous
Britons are at their most spontaneous, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-getting-spontaneous
Couple take 22 year holiday
A couple from Newark in Nottingham have been enjoying their honeymoon period for 22 years, during which they have lived in a Travelodge motel on the A1.
search on: Couple-take-22-year-holiday
Dairy farmer's milk carton romance
A dairy farmer from Wales has found love after posting a lonely hearts advert on cartons of milk.
search on: Dairy-farmer-milk-carton-romance
Sir Paul 'head over the heels in love with Lulu'
Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney and fellow popstar Lulu are apparently "head over heels in love".
search on: Sir-Paul-'head-over-heels-love-with-Lulu'
Seven year itch cut in half
Marriages are not lasting as long as they once did and the infamous seven-year itch is now closer to just three years.
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The sexual revolution, 50 years on
A debate on Radio 4 recently took place to assess how sexual liberation has progressed in the last 50 years.
search on: sexual-revolution--50-years
Man who sold everything on eBay buys a Carribean island and finds new love
search on: Man-who-sold-everything-eBay-buys-a-Carribean-
Mario Balotelli slept with Wayne Rooney prostitute 48 hours before declaring his love for his girlfriend
Manchester City ace footballer Mario Balotelli, 21, had a fling with Jennifer Thompson (aka Juicy Jeni') who was famously linked previously to Wayne Rooney. This happened in February 2012, two days be...
search on: Mario-Balotelli-slept-with-Wayne-Rooney-prostitute-48-
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