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Search Results For "22"
Londoners have no love for Valentine's Day
A new survey has revealed that most single Londoners would prefer a night with their mates to a romantic date on Valentine's Day.
search on: Londoners-have-love-Valentine-Day
Survey reveals true cost of love
The average Brit spends over £70 on Valentine's Day, a new study has revealed.
search on: Survey-reveals-true-cost-love
Loved-up royal couple 'closer than ever'
Cute royal couple Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy call each other 'hubby' and 'wifey', according to media reports.
search on: Loved-up-royal-couple-closer-ever
Couple find love in a lift
In proof that you can find love anywhere, a couple who met in a lift in Cardiff are now planning their wedding.
search on: Couple-find-love-a-lift
UK marriage in decline
Marriage rates in England and Wales have plummeted to an all-time low, new research out today reveals.
search on: UK-marriage-decline
Jordan 'still fancies' hubby
She may be no stranger to plastic surgery, but Katie Price aka Jordan is not shallow.
search on: Jordan-till-fancies'-hubby
Coleen's quiet birthday date
Coleen McLoughlin and fiancé Wayne Rooney kept it simple as they celebrated the fashion icon's birthday.
search on: Coleens-quiet-birthday
Coleen's quiet birthday date
Coleen McLoughlin and fiance Wayne Rooney kept it simple as they celebrated the fashion icon's birthday.
search on: Coleens-quiet-birthday
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