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Search Results For "Britain"
Recipe for long-lasting love
Two dinner dates a month, four cuddles a day and a romantic getaway twice a year are just some of the things couples need to have a long-lasting relationship, according to research.
search on: Recipe-long-lasting-love
No more no-strings holiday romances
No-strings holiday flings are being ruined by social networking sites such as Facebook, according to new research.
search on: No-no-strings-holiday-romances
Tana Ramsay 'is right to stand by her man'
Following recent allegations that her celebrity chef husband has been having an extra marital affair for the last seven years, Tana Ramsay could easily be forgiven for looking strained.
search on: Tana-Ramsay-is-right-stand-man
Lessons learned from 100 Blind Dates
Ursula Hirschkorn and editor, writing for the dating column for the Daily Mail’s Weekend Magazine played Cupid for a year, by setting up more than 100 people on blind dates. “They ranged in age from t...
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