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Search Results For "Couples"
Couples mimic health habits
If one member of a couple exercises, quits smoking, stops drinking alcohol or gets a vaccine or screen, the other member is more likely to follow suit and do the same.
search on: Couples-mimic-health-habits
You may kiss the mini-bride
A Chinese couple are waiting on the Guinness Book of Records to confirm that they are the shortest ever newly-weds.
search on: You-may-kiss-mini-bride
Is the end in sight?
A new survey has revealed some tell-tale signs which indicate whether a relationship is on the rocks.
search on: end-sight?
The effect of marriage on sex drive
Getting married reduces a man's testosterone levels, a new study has found.
search on: The-effect-marriage-sex-drive
Married couples missing out on passion
The romantic and sex lives of couples are said to dwindle as soon as they settle down into marriage.
search on: Married-couples-missing-out-passion
Breaking out of relationship ruts
Relationships can fall into a rut. Deciding how to deal with a problem and add a fresh spark into your romance can be helped by identifying what type of rut you are in and acting accordingly.
search on: Breaking-out-relationship-ruts
Rules are there to be broken
To make a relationship work, there are some rules that couples should follow, whether its hiding your feelings to prevent an argument, playing it cool or doing everything you can to please your partner.
search on: Rules-there-broken
Seven year itch down to five
Married couples are most likely to divorce just before their fifth wedding anniversary, new research has shown.
search on: Seven-year-itch-down-five
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