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Search Results For "Playing"
Voters 'like to see romance in politics'
Romance is playing a key role in the unravelling of the US presidential elections, with Barack Obama leading the way.
search on: Voters-'like-see-romance-politics'
Actress plays matchmaker for her mother
Hilary Duff has been playing matchmaker for her mother who is recently single, according to Female First, which has quoted the National Enquirer as the source of this latest Hollywood dating news.
search on: Actress-plays-matchmaker-mother
Jessica Biel's love extends to playing golf
It seems that Jessica Biel really will do anything for love as the Easy Virtue star has decided to take up golf to be closer to boyfriend Justin Timberlake.
search on: Jessica-Biels-love-extends-playing-golf
Ever wondered why your guy walked out on you?
New Australian website - offers help to people distressed and unhappy in love.
search on: Ever-wondered-why-guy-walked-out-you?
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