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Search Results For "Teri"
Female daters desire DIY guys
Men don't really like doing DIY, contrary to popular belief, according to a new survey.
search on: Female-daters-desire-DIY-guys
Jordan 'still fancies' hubby
She may be no stranger to plastic surgery, but Katie Price aka Jordan is not shallow.
search on: Jordan-till-fancies'-hubby
Teri's 'like a teenager in love'
Desperate Housewives actress is allegedly dating former Sex and the City star Jason Lewis, according to reports by Marie Claire.
search on: Teris-like-teenager-love
Teri dating TV hunk?
Teri Hatcher could be dating Sex and the City star Jason Lewis, after reports circulated that the couple were spotted together acting like "teenagers in love".
search on: Teri-dating-TV-hunk?
Sir Paul says Hello Goodbye
When you've gone through a tricky break-up, one of the most therapeutic things to do is get rid of all traces of your ex in your life.
search on: Sir-Paul-says-Hello-Goodbye
Madden mad for girlfriend Paris Hilton
Sometimes you just know when you've met your perfect match and Good Charlotte rocker Benji Madden believes he has.
search on: Madden-mad-girlfriend-Paris-Hilton
I love your smile
Most women envy Sienna Miller's dazzling smile, according to a new survey.
search on: I-love-smile
Men no longer masculine
Young men in Britain are losing their masculinity, according to a new report. It seems that the shift in gender roles and the rise of the Power Woman has meant that men have also found themselves changing.
search on: Men-longer-masculine
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