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Search Results For "car"
Dempsey to attend premiere with Versace
Suave star Patrick Dempsey will be attending the Rome premiere of his new movie Made of Honor with none other than Donatella Versace.
search on: Dempsey-attend-premiere-with-Versace
Men choosing cars over women
Men in the UK are spending more time pampering their cars than the women in their lives.
search on: Men-choosing-cars-over-women
Anne Robinson to divorce
Anne Robinson, the presenter of hit quiz how the Weakest Link is saying "goodbye" to her husband.
search on: Anne-Robinson-divorce
Couple wed with 58-year age gap
A woman from Argentina has married a man 58 years her junior.
search on: Couple-wed-58-year-age-gap
Women rejecting the new man
Having taken centuries to achieve a greater gender balance and narrow the gaps between the sexes, women are no longer opting for men who are sensitive and take care of their appearance.
search on: Women-rejecting-new
The Miranda complex: women and their money
The theory that single woman are scaring off men with their success is gaining weight, resulting in a generation of women who feel they must be secretive about their salary.
search on: Miranda-complex:-women-their-money
Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers
The hottest young actor to come out of the UK in some time has bagged a Hollywood star, according to reports.
search on: Orlando-adds-Hollywood-hotlist-lovers
Today's young women - catch them if you can
Young women today are said to fall into four categories and determining what type of woman you have your eye is can help you decide the ideal date to woo her.
search on: Todays-young-women---catch-them-if-can
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