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Search Results For "joy"
Keeping arguments healthy
All couples fight. It's just one of those things. But whether arguing could spell the end of your relationship depends on how you deal with the arguments and what they achieve.
search on: Keeping-arguments-healthy
Americans getting no love
A huge 20 million marriages in the US are sexless, according to the results of a new survey.
search on: Americans-getting-love
Aniston steps out with Sex and the City star
Jennifer Aniston is rumoured to be dating Sex and the City hunk Jason Lewis.
search on: Aniston-steps-Sex-City-star
Sarkozy 'marries' girlfriend
French president Nicolas Sarkozy has married his girlfriend Carla Bruni after a whirlwind romance of just two months, it has been reported.
search on: Sarkozy-marries-girlfriend
Men and women 'love to gossip'
It's not just women that love a good gossip, but men also indulge in a bit of chin-wagging too, according to a new survey.
search on: Men-women-love-gossip
Women 'feel negative after one-night stands'
The female of the species has not adapted to the concept of the one-night stand, despite the effects of the sexual revolution, according to scientists.
search on: Women-feel-negative-after-one-night-stands
Festivalgoers 'young at heart'
Many might think that Glastonbury and other such summer festivals are events for the young, but new research reveals that the young at heart are descending on the youthful venues.
search on: Festivalgoers-young-heart
Part time ambassadors wanted

Hi, Mary Balfour here, new LoveandFriends owner & MD of Drawing Down the Moon Matchmaking & Dating Agency.

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