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Search Results For "least"
What women want
When it comes to finding Mr Right, a man's height is more important to a woman than his looks, and weight is more crucial than earnings, according to a new survey of 40,000 women, UK dating researchers found.
search on: What-women
Nottingham 'least romantic city in the UK'
Nottingham has been voted the least likely place in the UK to have a romantic place, a new survey reveals.
search on: Nottingham-'least-romantic-city-UK'
Find Everlasting Love - Now!

You are an independent person but, like all human beings, you have a need for intimacy, and an intimate relationship is maybe the best way for you to feel really fulfilled. However, it is all very

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Dates 'costing' UK men
Men are finding the dating game increasingly hard on their pockets, according to new research.
search on: Dates-'costing'-UK-men
Females decide whether males sink or swim
An animal study has revealed that aggression is not always the best way of getting ahead.
search on: Females-decide-whether-males-sink-swim
Not tonight dear, I'm watching TV
It has been revealed that 47 per cent of British men would give up sex for six months in exchange for a dream 50-inch plasma television, according to a survey by Comet.
search on: Not-tonight-dear--Im-watching-TV
Money doesn't buy love for Brits
About 2.2 million of Brits said they ended their last relationship because of money issues according to research by internet bank cahoot.
search on: Money-doesnt-buy-love-Brits
Grooms 'uncertain' about brides' past
Grooms in the UK are not entirely certain about the whole of their brides' past, according to a new survey.
search on: Grooms-'uncertain'-about-brides'-past
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