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Search Results For "likely"
Seven year itch down to five
Married couples are most likely to divorce just before their fifth wedding anniversary, new research has shown.
search on: Seven-year-itch-down-five
Men making the moves
It seems that chivalry is not dead, at least in the world of online dating, a new survey has shown.
search on: Men-making-moves
Keeping it platonic
When men and women enter into friendships with people of the opposite sex, they are often looking for different things.
search on: Keeping-platonic
Hips not you, it's me
A woman's swaying hips can actually serve to ward off the attentions of men, a new study has revealed.
search on: Hips-you--its
Men more willing to put their hands in their pocke
Women are less willing to support a partner financially who is out of work.
search on: Men-willing-put-their-hands-their-pocke
Curvy women 'have clever babies'
Curvy women are likely to be more intelligent than their slimmer counterparts, new research has indicated.
search on: Curvy-women-'have-clever-babies'
Men do the talking
While women are often stereotyped as having the ability to chat endlessly, new research indicates that it is in fact men who are the biggest chatterboxes.
search on: Men-do-talking
Marriage lives on
Despite the dramatic increase in divorce rates and the number of couples who live together without being married has led many to wonder whether 'til death do us part' still applies.
search on: Marriage-lives
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