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Search Results For "model"
Sir Paul McCartney 'loves being in love'
When you have gone through a messy divorce, it can take a lot of courage to get back in the dating game.
search on: Sir-Paul-McCartney-'loves-being-love'
Dating George Clooney 'stressful'
Going out with one of the most successful and attractive actors in the world is possibly every woman's dream.
search on: Dating-George-Clooney-tressful'
Marriage on the cards for Orlando Bloom?
Is hunky British actor Orlando Bloom about to break a million girls' hearts by walking up the aisle?
search on: Marriage-cards-Orlando-Bloom?
Britney Spears to wed again by 2013?
Comeback queen Britney Spears has predicted that she will tie the knot again in the next five years.
search on: Britney-Spears-wed-again-2013?
Blind dates help top model find romance
Tyra Banks is one of the most beautiful women in the world but it appears the top models still has trouble finding love.
search on: Blind-dates-help-top-model-find-romance
Older men want younger models
Older men really do want younger women when looking for love, according to new research.
search on: Older-men-younger-models
Jessica Biel says relationship is 'one sparkly pre
It seems that some stars are determined to keep their love lives under wraps and that is definitely the case for actress Jessica Biel and her boyfriend Justin Timberlake.
search on: Jessica-Biel-says-relationship-one-sparkly-pre
Seal makes Heidi feel 'sexy'
It seems that one supermodel is more than happy with her love life and is keen to tell everyone just how sexy her husband makes her feel.
search on: Seal-makes-Heidi-feel-exy'
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