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Search Results For "night"
Making a success of long-distance
Many couples begin relationships with someone living far from them. Others are separated once their relationship has begun. And it can be difficult to make it work.
search on: Making-success-long-distance
Poll shows split in voters' sex habits
A new survey has revealed the differences between the bedtime habits of liberal and conservative voters.
search on: Poll-shows-split-voters'-sex-habits
Cole's case highlights infidelity boom
Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole is just the latest victim of a depressingly common scenario.
search on: Coles-case-highlights-infidelity-boom
Women 'feel negative after one-night stands'
The female of the species has not adapted to the concept of the one-night stand, despite the effects of the sexual revolution, according to scientists.
search on: Women-feel-negative-after-one-night-stands
The evolution of Valentine's Day
There's nothing like covering all bases.
search on: evolution-Valentines-Day
Gays covet Daniel and Keira
Bond star Daniel Craig has topped a list of the British celebrities gay men would most like to date.
search on: Gays-covet-Daniel-Keira
Loved up seniors share secrets of staying power
A global study of couples who have been together for fifty or more years unlocks the secrets of long-term marital bliss.
search on: Loved-seniors-share-secrets-staying-power
Londoners have no love for Valentine's Day
A new survey has revealed that most single Londoners would prefer a night with their mates to a romantic date on Valentine's Day.
search on: Londoners-have-love-Valentine-Day
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