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Search Results For "pens"
Credit crunch acting as marriage counsellor
The credit crunch might be having a negative effect on Britons' finances, but it is helping couples stay together, it has been revealed.
search on: Credit-crunch-acting-as-marriage-counsellor
Trust issues prevent couples from sharing bank acc
A significant number of couples do not have a joint bank account with their other half because they do not trust them, according to new research.
search on: Trust-issues-prevent-couples-from-sharing-bank-acc
Pets suffering in break-ups
If you are going through a divorce or separation then spare a thought for your pet, as new research reveals that break-ups can seriously affect them.
search on: Pets-suffering-break-ups
No more no-strings holiday romances
No-strings holiday flings are being ruined by social networking sites such as Facebook, according to new research.
search on: No-no-strings-holiday-romances
Women prefer accountants to James Bonds
British women may think they want a James Bond-style adventure, but new research reveals that their Mr Right is more likely to have job security than spontaneous sophistication.
search on: Women-prefer-accountants-James-Bonds
'Beautiful people' in dumpsville
There are a number of dating lessons we can learn from Hollywood's great and good, according to a women's magazine.
search on: 'Beautiful-people'-dumpsville
London love lives revealed
As the economic downturn deepens it seem that people are looking for cheap ways to get their thrills and sex is definitely back on the menu.
search on: London-love-lives
Overseas nuptials increasingly popular
The impact of the ensuing global financial crisis is being felt by the majority of the UK's population and as a consequence belts are being tightened.
search on: Overseas-nuptials-increasingly-popular
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