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Search Results For "study"
Couples 'should equal out talk time'
Women should keep quiet if they want people to look favourably on their relationship, a new survey has suggested.
search on: Couples-hould-equal-out-talk-time'
Women favour surfing over sex
British women are opting to spend time online rather than getting friendly with the men in their lives, a new survey has revealed.
search on: Women-favour-surfing-sex
Defining attractiveness: who shares your taste?
Friends, siblings and spouses are more likely to agree on what is attractive, a new study by Harvard University has shown.
search on: Defining-attractiveness:-who-shares-taste?
Unhappily married women stressed for longer
The stress levels of happily married women return to normal quicker than their less-happily married counterparts, according to new research.
search on: Unhappily-married-women-stressed-longer
Relationships suffer from financial strain
Around 16 per cent of Britons feel financial problems have had a negative impact on their relationship, according to a new study.
search on: Relationships-suffer-from-financial-strain
Male monkeys 'pay' females for sex
Male monkeys pay their female mates for sex, a new study has revealed.
search on: Male-monkeys-pay-females-sex
Science challenges gender wisdom
Scientists are shattering popular preconceptions of the differences between the sexes with new research.
search on: Science-challenges-gender-wisdom
Study takes more rounded view of teen sex
A new study has traced the evolution of teenage attitudes to sex.
search on: Study-takes-rounded-view-teen-sex
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