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Search Results For "successful"
Sense of humour makes Brit men successful in the s
Women are drawn to British men because they can make them laugh, according to a new survey
search on: Sense-humour-makes-Brit-men-successful-s
Brunettes 'richer and luckier in love'
Blondes may have more fun, but brunettes have bigger bank balances, according to a new report.
search on: Brunettes-'richer-luckier-love'
Survey shows 'super-mum' backlash
Despite years of the gender equality movement, most men and women in the UK now feel having a career woman as a mother is bad for the family.
search on: Survey-shows-super-mum-backlash
Holiday flings 'could lead to wedding bells'
People might be cynical of holiday romances, but new research reveals that many lead to long-term love.
search on: Holiday-flings-'could-lead-wedding-bells'
Sexist men 'earn more money'
Sexist men are more successful in the workplace and with the ladies, new research reveals.
search on: Sexist-men-'earn-more-money'
Half of Britons dating online
Half of singletons in the UK are looking for love using online dating sites, according to new figures.
search on: Half-Britons-dating-online
English men top in chat-up lines
British men are the best at chat-up lines and more likely to win the girl than their American or Aussie counterparts, according to new research.
search on: English-men-top-chat-up-lines
Dating George Clooney 'stressful'
Going out with one of the most successful and attractive actors in the world is possibly every woman's dream.
search on: Dating-George-Clooney-tressful'
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