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What men want
The perfect woman is a blonde, blue-eyed lass who earns less than £25,000 a year, men have revealed in a new survey.
search on: What-men-want
Hapless Romeo watches dream proposal blow away
A would-be Romeo who had planned a novel way of proposing to his girlfriend ended up seeing his best-laid plans carried away with the wind.
search on: Hapless-Romeo-watches-dream-proposal-blow-away
Brits prefer sightseeing to honeymoon nooky
The majority of newlyweds would rather spend their first few days as Mr and Mrs seeing the sites at their holiday destination than consummating their marriage, according to a new study.
search on: Brits-prefer-sightseeing-honeymoon-nooky
UK marriage in decline
Marriage rates in England and Wales have plummeted to an all-time low, new research out today reveals.
search on: UK-marriage-decline
Sir Paul puts divorce behind him on romantic break
With the ink barely dry on his divorce, Sir Paul McCartney has fuelled speculation of a new romance by jetting off to the Caribbean with heiress Nancy Shevall.
search on: Sir-Paul-puts-divorce-behind-romantic-break
Brit men would shun the bedroom for plasma screen
The average not-so-romantic British male would commit to six months of celibacy if it meant he could have a 50-inch plasma television, according to new research.
search on: Brit-men-would-shun-bedroom-plasma-screen-
Dressed to impress?
British women do not fork out as much money as the average fashionista dressed to impress, according to a new survey.
search on: Dressed-impress?
Men vain, while women lack self esteem
Men are motivated by vanity when they choose to have cosmetic surgery, while women do it because they have low self-esteem, according to a new study.
search on: Men-vain--while-women-lack-self-esteem
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