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Search Results For "48"
Uma Thurman is a 'hopeless romantic'
Hollywood actress Uma Thurman is a self-confessed romantic, despite having been divorced twice, according to reports.
search on: Uma-Thurman-a-'hopeless-romantic'
Singletons 'can't afford property'
Single people find it harder to buy homes than their coupled-up counterparts, according to new research.
search on: Singletons-'can't-afford-property'
UK a nation of worry warts
It's official. Britain is a nation of worriers, according to new research released this week.
search on: UK-a-nation-worry-warts
Heartthrob's wife not jealous of female attention
Being married to a Hollywood sex symbol might make some women feel somewhat insecure, but not Patrick Dempsey's wife – she thinks it's hilarious.
search on: Heartthrob-wife-not-jealous-female-attention
Coleen is top fashion icon for Brit women
Coleen McLoughlin is the top style icon for British females, according to a new survey.
search on: Coleen-top-fashion-icon-Brit-women
Women 'fantasise about having affairs'
One in three women fantasise about being with someone other than their partner, according to a new survey.
search on: Women-fantasise-having-affairs
Ireland's Mini Baby Boom
Ireland is experiencing a mini baby-boom since the economic collapse. The CSO has released data showing that there was more offspring born last year when compared with ten years ago. Interestingly, fo...
search on: Irelands-Mini-Baby-Boom
Rihanna says 'friends first' is best in dating gam
Beautiful pop star Rihanna is advising women to become friends with a guy they fancy before they try to bag him.
search on: Rihanna-says-friends-first-dating-gam
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