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Search Results For "Brits"
Brits reveal holiday body worries
Holidays are supposed to be a time of fun and summer loving, but new research reveals that many women feel anxious while away because of low self-esteem.
search on: Brits-reveal-holiday-body-worries
Brits overspending on Big Day
So you've finally found the man or woman of your dreams and are now planning to tie the knot.
search on: Brits-overspending-Big-Day
Brits 'the great romantics'
Contrary to popular belief, Britain is a nation full of romantics, topping the chart in the European love league.
search on: Brits-'the-great-romantics'
Brits strive for A-List holidays
One in three Britons choose a holiday destination because they have heard it is popular with celebrities, according to a new poll.
search on: Brits-strive-A-List-holidays
German men sexiest, say UK women
German men are the sexiest in Europe, according to a survey of British female holidaymakers.
search on: German-men-sexiest--say-UK-women
Northern Irish accents 'sexiest' in the UK
Northern Irish accents are the most attractive in the UK, according to a new poll.
search on: Northern-Irish-accents-exiest'-UK
Amorous Brits head to Mexico
If you're still thinking of where to spend a romantic summer break, then look no further than Mexico, according to a travel expert.
search on: Amorous-Brits-head-Mexico
Brits Europe's
A new survey has revealed the embarrassing result that British holidaymakers are perceived to have the worst beach bodies in Europe.
search on: Brits-Europes-
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