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Search Results For "Eva"
Widow finds love again in dance partner
A Welsh widow thought she would never find love again, but was pleasantly surprised when dance classes led her up the aisle.
search on: Widow-finds-love-again-dance-partner
Couples splitting over credit crunch
One in three people feels financial crisis will bring about the downfall of a relationship, according to a new study.
search on: Couples-splitting-over-credit-crunch
Dating online - what to watch out for
When looking for that special someone, it is becoming increasingly popular to hunt for Mr or Ms Right on the internet.
search on: Dating-online---what-watch-out
Eva Longoria's love woes
Eva Longoria certainly will be a desperate housewife if rumours circulating about her husband Tony Parker's sex ban are to be believed.
search on: Eva-Longorias-love-woes
Eva Longoria the 'gardener' in her marriage
Eva Longoria Parker definitely has an odd way with words as the actress described herself as the "gardener" in her marriage, in a recent interview with America's Glamour magazine.
search on: Eva-Longoria-gardener-marriage
Dating Safety: telling your friends?
We've written our own guide to dating safety but we've noticed that a few sites and "experts" on the web such as (name of person + website address of this article) talk how you should "Give your best ...
search on: Dating-Safety:-telling-friends?-
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