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Search Results For "Getting"
Americans getting no love
A huge 20 million marriages in the US are sexless, according to the results of a new survey.
search on: Americans-getting-love
Male monkeys 'pay' females for sex
Male monkeys pay their female mates for sex, a new study has revealed.
search on: Male-monkeys-pay-females-sex
Gareth Gates getting hitched
Pop Idol star Gareth Gates is to wed his long-time girlfriend.
search on: Gareth-Gates-getting-hitched
Getting to know you?
First impressions count and so do first questions.
search on: Getting-know-you?
Men lose weight to find love
A new survey has revealed that it is not just women who feel the pressure to be thin.
search on: Men-lose-weight-find-love
Better to date than divorce
Couples may find themselves better off if they continue to date rather than getting married and possibly divorced.
search on: Better-divorce
Marriage 'not always the answer'
Following the publication of a national survey which found that most people do not differentiate between marriage and cohabitation, one relationship expert has been analysing the findings.
search on: Marriage-'not-always-answer'
Cole's case highlights infidelity boom
Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole is just the latest victim of a depressingly common scenario.
search on: Coles-case-highlights-infidelity-boom
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