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Search Results For "Newspaper"
Jude Law and Sadie Frost getting back together?
Brit actor Jude Law has sparked rumours that he has rekindled his relationship with ex-wife Sadie Frost after the pair were spotted looking for property together.
search on: Jude-Law-Sadie-Frost-getting-back-together?
Chris Martin's 'moral dilemma' over Sarah Palin
Coldplay frontman Chris Martin is happily married to US actress Gwyneth Paltrow, but that doesn't stop him developing schoolboy crushes on other ladies.
search on: Chris-Martins-moral-dilemma-Sarah-Palin
Madonna house hunting with A-Rod?
Madonna is reportedly on the lookout for a new house with American baseball player Alex Rodriguez.
search on: Madonna-house-hunting-A-Rod?
Sienna Miller and Getty 'never split up'
A representative for Sienna Miller has rebuked claims that the British actress split up from her boyfriend Balthazar Getty.
search on: Sienna-Miller-Getty-never-split-up
Does this TV star have a way with the ladies?
The numerous surveys that have taken place over the years about what women find attractive in a man always seem to indicate that the key thing is a good sense of humour.
search on: Does-this-TV-star-have-a-way-with-
Overseas nuptials increasingly popular
The impact of the ensuing global financial crisis is being felt by the majority of the UK's population and as a consequence belts are being tightened.
search on: Overseas-nuptials-increasingly-popular
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