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Search Results For "Study"
Longer legs 'are more attractive'
The science behind the attractiveness of longer legs has been explained by researchers from Poland.
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Gay relationships 'equally committed'
Accusations that gay and lesbian couples are less committed than their heterosexual peers are no more than slurs, according to new research.
search on: Gay-relationships-equally-committed
Brits 'lie in' for 6 months in a lifetime
The average UK resident will spend six months of their life having a lie-in, according to new research.
search on: Brits-'lie-in'-6-months-a-lifetime
The secret of happiness
It's often seen as something elusive and indefinable, which starts to disappear if you try to pin down its source or nature.
search on: secret-happiness
More sex means fewer marks
Society is increasingly socially liberal, but the downsides of promiscuity have been highlighted by new research, which suggests that sleeping around leads to poor exam performance.
search on: More-sex-means-fewer-marks
Study aims to understand love
Popular psychologist Dr Raj Persaud is inviting seeking participants for an online experiment designed to unlock the secrets of love.
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Cole's case highlights infidelity boom
Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole is just the latest victim of a depressingly common scenario.
search on: Coles-case-highlights-infidelity-boom
Men becoming 'more body conscious'
It's not just the girls that care about what they look like on the beach, but men are becoming increasingly beach-bod conscious, according to new research.
search on: Men-becoming-'more-body-conscious'
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