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Search Results For "affect"
Older brothers affect chances of parenthood
Having an older brother can cut the chances of you having children, according to new scientific research.
search on: Older-brothers-affect-chances-parenthood
Manners go a long way in the dating game
More than half of women said a man's manners on a first date will affect whether or not she chooses to go on a second date with him.
search on: Manners-long-way-dating-game
Women find pets 'more affectionate' than men
More than half of women believe their pooches or moggies are more affectionate than the men in their lives, according to new research.
search on: Women-find-pets-more-affectionate-men
Romantic films influence relationship expectations
Romantic comedies are giving people unrealistic expectations about how their love life should be.
search on: Romantic-films-influence-relationship-expectations
The smell of attraction
A study has shown that women react to sweat produced by male sexual activity and that they may even be able to detect if a man is attracted to them by sniffing them.
search on: smell-attraction
Lessons learned from 100 Blind Dates
Ursula Hirschkorn and editor, writing for the dating column for the Daily Mail’s Weekend Magazine played Cupid for a year, by setting up more than 100 people on blind dates. “They ranged in age from t...
search on: Lessons-learned-from-100-Blind-Dates
Single phobia
Single phobia
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