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Search Results For "cut"
Women shun credit crunch to go under the knife
The credit crunch has done little to stop a rapid increase in the number of people having cosmetic surgery to make themselves feel more attractive.
search on: Women-shun-credit-crunch-under-knife
Older brothers affect chances of parenthood
Having an older brother can cut the chances of you having children, according to new scientific research.
search on: Older-brothers-affect-chances-parenthood
Jackman named sexiest man alive
Antipodean hunk Hugh Jackman is officially the sexiest man on the planet, according to a new list of the world's hottest fellas.
search on: Jackman-named-sexiest-man-alive
Women find pets 'more affectionate' than men
More than half of women believe their pooches or moggies are more affectionate than the men in their lives, according to new research.
search on: Women-find-pets-more-affectionate-men
Christina Aguilera so happy with her hubby
Top US singer Christina Aguilera is one of the most attractive women in the world, and could arguably have any man she wanted.
search on: Christina-Aguilera-happy-hubby
Men vote for long locks on women
Men find long hair sexiest on a woman, according to new research which sees celebrity hair-dos sported by the likes of Cheryl Cole come out on top.
search on: Men-vote-long-locks-women
50% British Single women don't care if they get married
50% British Single women don't care if they get married
search on: 50%-British-Single-women-dont-care-if-they-
VIDEO: “7 hot tips for first date success”
Nervous about that date?

...then click here to watch Mary's video:
“7 hot tips for first date succes...
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