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Search Results For "date"
Romantic priorities of the Baby Boomers
The Baby Boomer generation have grown up during a time of change and this has had an impact on what is important to them in relationships, as a new survey by Facts International has revealed.
search on: Romantic-priorities-Baby-Boomers
What women want
Men have been trying to figure out what it is that women want for centuries, but the release of a new book could help them find the answers.
search on: What-women
Text and romance
Texting has become one of the most popular methods of flirting and research by shows how texts are affecting our love lives and our pockets.
search on: Text-romance
The lies men tell to women
Men lie. It's a phrase we have all heard before, whether it's from a friend trying to console us following a harsh break-up with who we thought was the man of our dreams, or the discovery of an infidelity.
search on: The-lies-men-women
What your name says about your dating style
Your name can have an impact on how you are perceived by your date, a new survey ahs revealed.
search on: What-your-name-says-your-dating-style
Witherspoon and Gyllenhaal make it official
After months of speculation, two of Hollywood's brightest stars have stepped out as an official couple.
search on: Witherspoon-Gyllenhaal-make-official
Online dating a hit with Muslims
Online dating is taking off among British Asians as a way to meet like-minded people without many of the pressures associated with face-to-face dating.
search on: Online-dating-hit-Muslims
Planning your proposal
Getting the proposal right is something of a worry for men seeking the hand in marriage of their loved one. Here are some tips to ensure you create the perfect moment, from the Star Telegram.
search on: Planning-your-proposal
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