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Search Results For "down"
Is the end in sight?
A new survey has revealed some tell-tale signs which indicate whether a relationship is on the rocks.
search on: end-sight?
Rules of engagement
Romance isn't dead, it seems.
search on: Rules-engagement
What makes women happy
Men have always had difficulty understanding what women want, but a new survey may help them to deliver the love in their life what it is they most desire, both in the long and short term.
search on: What-makes-women-happy
Married couples missing out on passion
The romantic and sex lives of couples are said to dwindle as soon as they settle down into marriage.
search on: Married-couples-missing-out-passion
Church to wed?
Rumours are abound about the potential nuptials of Charlotte Church and boyfriend Gavin Henson.
search on: Church-wed?
Journalist proposes in column
When Amanda Taccone, a web journalist got online one day to read her boyfriend's column, she got the surprise of her life when she got the last line.
search on: Journalist-proposes-column
Vorderman back with ex
Carol Vorderman is back with her ex-partner Des Kelly after ten months apart during which they decided they could not live without each other.
search on: Vorderman-back-with-ex
Seven year itch down to five
Married couples are most likely to divorce just before their fifth wedding anniversary, new research has shown.
search on: Seven-year-itch-down-five
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