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Search Results For "house"
Boys on top when it comes to finances?
Men in the UK still think they are in control of their household's finances, but their women seem to disagree, according to new research.
search on: Boys-top-when-comes-finances?
Loved-up royal couple 'closer than ever'
Cute royal couple Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy call each other 'hubby' and 'wifey', according to media reports.
search on: Loved-up-royal-couple-closer-ever
Female daters desire DIY guys
Men don't really like doing DIY, contrary to popular belief, according to a new survey.
search on: Female-daters-desire-DIY-guys
UK a nation of worry warts
It's official. Britain is a nation of worriers, according to new research released this week.
search on: UK-a-nation-worry-warts
Teri's 'like a teenager in love'
Desperate Housewives actress is allegedly dating former Sex and the City star Jason Lewis, according to reports by Marie Claire.
search on: Teris-like-teenager-love
Teri dating TV hunk?
Teri Hatcher could be dating Sex and the City star Jason Lewis, after reports circulated that the couple were spotted together acting like "teenagers in love".
search on: Teri-dating-TV-hunk?
Internet relationships 'becoming more popular'
In the age of modern technology, being suspicious of your spouse has taken on a whole new level.
search on: Internet-relationships-'becoming-more-popular'
Women in charge of household finances
Women are taking charge of the financial management in the home, according to new research.
search on: Women-charge-household-finances
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