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Search Results For "internet"
Dating online - what to watch out for
When looking for that special someone, it is becoming increasingly popular to hunt for Mr or Ms Right on the internet.
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Chris Martin's 'moral dilemma' over Sarah Palin
Coldplay frontman Chris Martin is happily married to US actress Gwyneth Paltrow, but that doesn't stop him developing schoolboy crushes on other ladies.
search on: Chris-Martins-moral-dilemma-Sarah-Palin
No sex please, I'm surfing the net
The lure of the internet can prove very irresistible at the best of times, particularly when you are trying to avoid doing work.
search on: No-sex-please--Im-surfing-net
Internet dating couple opt for TACO wedding
A couple who met on an internet dating site have tied the knot at American fast food restaurant, Taco Bell.
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Internet dating 'accepted as best way of finding l
The number of people who take the plunge and join internet dating sites doubles in January and the popularity of such services will only increase this year.
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42,000 Irish are having affairs on internet
42,000 Irish are having affairs on the internet
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David Mitchell and Victoria Coren engaged to be married.

The couple, who first came into view together in 2010 on BBC quiz show The Bubble, made public their engagement with a notice in The Times. Coren, quiz show host for Only Connect on BBC4, has thank...

search on: David-Mitchell-Victoria-Coren-engaged-be-married.
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