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Search Results For "looking"
What women want
When it comes to finding Mr Right, a man's height is more important to a woman than his looks, and weight is more crucial than earnings, according to a new survey of 40,000 women, UK dating researchers found.
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Are Ashley and Jared dating again?
Ashley Olsen and Jared Leto are rumoured to be seeing each other again after they were spotted looking rather cosy at a recent event in Los Angeles.
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Men becoming 'more body conscious'
It's not just the girls that care about what they look like on the beach, but men are becoming increasingly beach-bod conscious, according to new research.
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Women 'love shopping' more than men love sex
The average British woman is as obsessed with shopping as men are with sex, according to new research.
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Find Everlasting Love - Now!

You are an independent person but, like all human beings, you have a need for intimacy, and an intimate relationship is maybe the best way for you to feel really fulfilled. However, it is all very

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Economy 'takes its toll' on search for love
The dire economic situation in England and the US is taking its toll on the search for love, according to an expert.
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Men 'not into cosmetics'
Recent years have hailed the rise of the metrosexual man – the man who looks after his appearance, probably spends more time in the mirror than his girlfriend and spends a lot of money on cosmetic pro...
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Cheating 'unwrapped' in new book
Modern life is making it easier for people to have affairs, according to a woman who has written a book on the subject.
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