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Search Results For "media"
Future Britons will unearth snapshot of Noughties
A time capsule will be buried in the UK in November to show future Britons how society in the 'Noughties' felt about love and relationships.
search on: Future-Britons-will-unearth-snapshot-Noughties-
Brits 'would think twice' about getting amorous on
As two Britons face trial in Dubai for getting amorous on a beach, new research reveals that many couples are guilty of the same practice.
search on: Brits-'would-think-twice'-about-getting-amorous
Wartime couple celebrate 60 years together
All's fair in love and war. And one happy couple have found out that even World War II could not ruin their romance.
search on: Wartime-couple-celebrate-60-years-together
Karl plays Cupid for Katy Perry


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Widow finds love again in dance partner
A Welsh widow thought she would never find love again, but was pleasantly surprised when dance classes led her up the aisle.
search on: Widow-finds-love-again-dance-partner
Simon Cowell enjoys night out with ex?
X Factor svengali Simon Cowell recently became single after ending a six-year relationship and he has now been spotted out and about with one of his ex partners.
search on: Simon-Cowell-enjoys-night-out-with-ex?
Blind dates help top model find romance
Tyra Banks is one of the most beautiful women in the world but it appears the top models still has trouble finding love.
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Sienna Miller and Getty 'never split up'
A representative for Sienna Miller has rebuked claims that the British actress split up from her boyfriend Balthazar Getty.
search on: Sienna-Miller-Getty-never-split-up
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