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Search Results For "million"
Eddie Murphy back in the dating game
Hollywood funny man Eddie Murphy has found love …. Yet again.
search on: Eddie-Murphy-back-dating-game
Love on the Continent
Britons in search of romance are hopping across to the Continent to find it, according to a new study.
search on: Love-Continent
Simon Fuller ties the knot
Millionaire mogul Simon Fuller has finally tied the knot with his girlfriend Natalie Swanston, according to reports.
search on: Simon-Fuller-ties
First UK dating site for fat people signs up 1,000 people in its first 12 hours
The first online dating agency - - for those blessed with natural curves has just gone live. This website discriminates against size - you have to be larger than life to join.
search on: First-UK-dating-site-fat-people-signs-up-
Financial wake-up call for newlyweds
So you have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and you are planning to tie the knot.
search on: Financial-wake-up-call-newlyweds
Couple find love and £1.9 million on the internet
Love and marriage has been followed by riches for one lucky British couple after they won £1.9 million on the lottery.
search on: Couple-find-love-£1.9-million-internet
British couples go on most getaways
Loved-up Britons are taking advantage of the beautiful areas of the UK and going on romantic breaks, according to a new survey.
search on: British-couples-go-getaways
Brits overspending on Big Day
So you've finally found the man or woman of your dreams and are now planning to tie the knot.
search on: Brits-overspending-Big-Day
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