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Search Results For "why"
Want to find true love? Read on...

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Brits 'fall in love' with TV characters
One in three British people has admitted to falling in love with a TV character, according to a new poll.
search on: Brits-fall-love-TV-characters
Watching sunsets 'most romantic' pastime
Watching a sunset snuggled up to your loved one is the most romantic pastime, according to a survey of British couples.
search on: Watching-sunsets-'most-romantic'-pastime
Relationship problems down to genetic flaw?
Having trouble convincing the man of your dreams to marry you? Well, don't blame him. His reluctance to wed could be down to his genes.
search on: Relationship-problems-down-genetic-flaw?
Brunettes 'richer and luckier in love'
Blondes may have more fun, but brunettes have bigger bank balances, according to a new report.
search on: Brunettes-'richer-luckier-love'
Jessica Simpson 'loves love'
Blonde US pop star Jessica Simpson loves being in love and has dedicated her new album to all the loves in her life.
search on: Jessica-Simpson-'loves-love'
Rollercoaster ride of love
If the object of your affections does not seem to be taking an interest in you, then try taking them on a rollercoaster to give love a helping hand.
search on: Rollercoaster-ride-love
A loving touch can ease the pain
A loving hug from the man or woman in your life can really take the pain away, according to new research.
search on: A-loving-touch-can-ease-pain
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